Shark AV993 IQ Review: Effortless Cleaning with the Robot Vacuum » Felix' Review

Shark AV993 IQ Review: Effortless Cleaning with the Robot Vacuum

With its advanced features, such as deep-cleaning suction, self-cleaning brushroll, and compatibility with Alexa, this robot vacuum is a promising addition to any home. In this review, we will delve into the product details and explore its performance.

Having used the Shark AV993 IQ Robot Vacuum, I can confidently say that it lives up to its promises. The suction power is impressive, as it effortlessly tackles both large and small debris, as well as pet hair on carpets and floors. I was particularly impressed with the self-cleaning brushroll, which effectively removes pet hair and long hair without any clogging issues.

The navigation system of this robot vacuum is remarkable. Using the lidar laser technology, it scans and maps out the entire surroundings, ensuring efficient and methodical cleaning. The app provides various customization options, allowing you to schedule cleanings, set up barriers, and control the cleaning modes and suction power. The object detection feature ensures that the vacuum avoids bumping into furniture and falling off ledges.

The docking station is a convenient addition, as it not only charges the vacuum but also automatically deposits the collected dirt, dust, and hair. The high-capacity dust bin eliminates the need for frequent emptying, making maintenance hassle-free. Additionally, the robot vacuum operates quietly, which is a bonus for those who prefer a peaceful cleaning experience.

Shark AV993 IQ: Powerful Cleaning Performance

Shark AV993 IQ


With incredible suction power, the Shark AV993 IQ Robot Vacuum effectively deep-cleans carpets and floors. It effectively tackles both large and small debris, as well as pet hair, leaving your surfaces spotless. What sets this robot vacuum apart is its self-cleaning brushroll, which prevents hair from tangling and wrapping around the brush. This feature ensures uninterrupted cleaning performance and saves you the hassle of manually removing tangled hair.Additionally, the Shark AV993 IQ Robot Vacuum offers row-by-row cleaning, ensuring that every inch of your home is thoroughly cleaned. It uses advanced navigation technology to methodically clean each row before seamlessly transitioning to the next room. This ensures complete coverage of your entire home, leaving no area untouched. With its recharge and resume feature, the robot vacuum can return to its dock to recharge and then pick up where it left off, ensuring continuous cleaning until the job is done.

Smart Features and Customization Options

By offering a range of smart features and customization options, the Shark AV993 IQ Robot Vacuum allows for easy tailoring of its cleaning to your specific needs. You can schedule whole-home cleanings using the SharkClean app or control the vacuum with voice commands through Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant. The app allows you to select individual rooms for cleaning, create no-clean zones, set up cleaning schedules, adjust cleaning modes and suction power, and even create multiple floor maps for different levels of your home.The robot vacuum is equipped with object detection sensors, which prevent it from bumping into furniture or other objects in your home. It also features sensors that prevent it from falling off ledges or down staircases, ensuring safe and efficient cleaning. The Shark AV993 IQ Robot Vacuum even comes with boundary strips, allowing you to set barriers in areas where you don’t want the vacuum to enter.With its advanced features and customization options, the Shark AV993 IQ Robot Vacuum offers a hands-free and tailored cleaning experience that adapts to your home’s unique layout.


  • Incredible suction: The Shark IQ Robot Vacuum has deep-cleaning power to tackle large debris, small debris, and pet hair on carpets and floors.
  • No hair wrap: The self-cleaning brushroll removes pet hair and long hair as it cleans, eliminating the hassle of hair wrap.
  • Phone or voice command: You can easily schedule whole-home cleanings with the SharkClean app or control the vacuum with Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant.


  • App functionality: Some users have reported that the app is not very user-friendly and lacks useful features, such as notifications.
  • Mapping issues: A few customers have mentioned that the mapping feature of the vacuum is not accurate, requiring them to manually measure and adjust the floor plans.
  • Battery life: The battery of the Shark IQ Robot Vacuum takes a long time to charge, limiting the amount of cleaning it can do in a single day.


In conclusion, the Shark AV993 IQ Robot Vacuum is a reliable and efficient cleaning companion. Its powerful suction, self-cleaning brushroll, and advanced navigation system make it an excellent choice for pet owners and those who desire a hands-free cleaning solution. With its customizable features and ability to adapt to different floor plans, this robot vacuum offers convenience and effectiveness. Overall, I highly recommend the Shark AV993 IQ Robot Vacuum for keeping your floors and carpets clean with minimal effort.

Questions & Answers:

Question: Does the Shark IQ Robot Vacuum work well on both carpets and hard floors?

Answer: Yes, the Shark IQ Robot Vacuum is designed to clean both carpets and hard floors effectively.

Question: Can I control the vacuum with my voice or through a mobile app?

Answer: Absolutely! You can schedule cleanings and control the Shark IQ Robot Vacuum using the SharkClean app or voice commands with Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant.

Question: Is the self-cleaning brushroll really effective in removing pet hair?

Answer: Yes, the self-cleaning brushroll of the Shark IQ Robot Vacuum is specifically designed to tackle pet hair without getting clogged, making it ideal for homes with pets.

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